Articles of Incorporation

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 Name

This association is called the “Council of Current Korean American Presidents,” and its English name is Korean American Association of USA, written as KAAUSA.

Article 2 Purpose

The purpose is to improve the status of Korean-Americans in mainstream society, promote their rights, and advocate for them by building a network among Korean associations active throughout the Americas.

Article 3 Nature and Composition

This association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization authorized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with the current president of the Americas as a regular member and a former president of the Korean American Association as a general member.

Article 4 Location

The Association may establish an office in the Americas where the current chairman resides and in other areas where it is needed.

Chapter 2 Members

Article 5 Membership Qualifications

It includes honorary members, operating committee members, special members, advisory committee members, and standing advisors who agree with the purpose and bylaws of the Association and who served as current and former presidents across the Americas and members of the Association of Current Presidents, among the 40 people who established the Association in 2017-2018.

Article 6 Types of Members Members include regular members, general members, honorary members, special members, advisory committee members, and standing advisors.

  1. Regular member: Current president who has paid the membership dues for the current year by June 30.

  2. General member: A person who has paid the membership fee for the current year.

  3. Honorary member: 40 people who participated in the establishment of the Association of Current Korean American Presidents in 2017-2018 and those who served as the sponsoring president.

  4. Special member: A person who can contribute to the association and has been recommended and approved by the steering committee.

  5. Advisory committee member: Former president who served as a steering committee member.

  6. Standing Advisor: A person who has completed his/her term as Chairman

 Article 7 Member Rights

  1. Regular members have the right to vote and be elected to the steering committee in accordance with the bylaws, and have the right to vote for decision-making.

  2. General members have the right to be elected and speak at the general meeting, but do not have the right to vote, and have the right to vote for decision-making.\

  3. Except for regular members and general members, honorary members, special members, advisory committee members, and standing advisors may attend the regular general meeting when their dues for the year are paid in full.

Article 8 Member Obligations

Regular members of the Association must pay the dues set forth in the Bylaws.

Article 9 Membership Fees

Membership fees are ultimately determined by the steering committee through the general meeting.

Article 10 Dues Payment Period

Membership fees are paid immediately upon signing up as a member, and the fiscal year is based on January 1 of the current year.

Chapter 3 Organization and Composition

Article 11 Jurisdiction This Association refers to the Korean Association organized and active in the 50 states of the Americas + 1 special district administrative jurisdiction.

Article 12 Composition

  1. The association elects up to 21 members of the steering committee at the general meeting. The steering committee consists of 13 seats, including the current president, and one chairperson is elected by the steering committee. The Chairman represents the Association, exercises authority granted by the Bylaws and matters delegated by the General Assembly, and oversees the internal and external affairs of the Association.

  2. The chairman may organize organizations deemed necessary through a steering committee meeting.

Chapter 4 Officers and Committee Members

Article 13 Chairman

  1. The chairman is elected from among the steering committee members with the consent of more than half of the 2/3 members present at the plenary session.

  2. The chairman represents the association, supervises the authority granted by the bylaws and the affairs of the association, and plays a mediating role.

  3. The term of office of the chairman shall be two years, but he may be reappointed once with the consent of the majority of the steering committee members in accordance with the bylaws of the association.

Article 14 Vice-Chairman

The vice-chairman is appointed and dismissed by the chairman, and if he is an outsider, he is granted voting rights with the consent of the steering committee members. Acts as acting chairman in the event of the chairman's absence. Article 15 Other Members The secretary general, treasurer, sponsor chairman, secretary, auditor, and other department heads are appointed by the chairman, but the consent of the steering committee is required. If the secretary general, treasurer, and sponsor president are each outsiders who have served as president of the Korean Association, they are granted voting rights. The head of each department is responsible for all work of the department, and the secretary general oversees the work and assists the chairman.

Article 16 Finance

The treasurer keeps records of the income and expenditures of the Association and reports them in writing each quarter when the Steering Committee is held. In addition, an audit must be conducted in accordance with the bylaws of the Association. Article 17 Secretary The secretary records the meeting minutes of the plenary session and stores all documents, reports, financial reports, etc. of the plenary session. Article 18 Special Members An outsider who participates in the development of the Association.

Article 19 Honorary Members and Advisory Members

  1. Former members of the steering committee are promoted to advisory committee members.

  2. Former presidents and sponsoring presidents who actively participate in the 40-member council that participated in the 2017-2018 Korean American Presidents Association at the time of its establishment can be elected as honorary members.

Article 20 Permanent Advisor Those who have completed their term as chairman are appointed as standing advisors, and representatives of standing advisors can attend steering committee meetings and have the right to vote.

Article 21 Sponsorship Chairman

  1. Anyone who wishes to sponsor the council in relation to the activities of this association may be appointed as a sponsoring chairperson upon recommendation of the steering committee, and the term of office is the same as that of the chairperson.

  2. As the chairman of the sponsoring committee, he may engage in external and internal recruiting activities to raise donations and donations in order to maintain the smooth execution of the affairs of the association.

  3. Organizations that have provided donations or donations are considered to be actively supporting and participating in activities with the Association and may use the Association's logo and name with the consent of the steering committee members.

Article 22 Audit

  1. The auditor is recommended by two of the regular members, and the term of office of the auditor is the same as that of the current chairman.

  2. The auditor completes the financial report and audit no later than 3 weeks before the regular general meeting and reports in writing to the steering committee and the regular general meeting.

  3. The auditor must acquire all execution work documents for the current year from the department head and hand them over to the steering committee.

Article 23 Loss of Membership

  1. Korean presidents who are involved in inciting disputes or legal disputes cannot become regular members.

  2. Anyone who damages dignity or causes social controversy or confusion will be deprived of membership with the approval of 2/3 of the members of the steering committee.

Chapter 5 General Assembly

Article 24 Classification of General Meetings

  1. The general meeting is held as a regular general meeting and an extraordinary general meeting.

  2. The regular general meeting is held in the second half of each year, but in special cases, the date may be changed by the steering committee. (See Supplementary Provisions, Article 48).

  3. The extraordinary general meeting is convened when the chairman or steering committee member of the association deems it necessary and when more than 2/3 of the regular members request it. The extraordinary general meeting must be held within 45 days from the date of receipt and must be notified at least 30 days prior to the extraordinary general meeting. The extraordinary general meeting has the same effect as the regular general meeting.

  4. The regular general meeting deliberates and decides on the operating committee's budget and business report, business plan, revision of bylaws, election of steering committee members, approval, financial statement report, approval, and other agenda items.

  5. The chairman of the general meeting announces the date, location, and agenda to the members at least 30 days prior to the general meeting.

  6. The general meeting of the plenary session is presided over by the chairman. However, if necessary, a temporary chairperson may be appointed according to the decision of the steering committee.

  7. All bills at the general meeting of the general meeting are approved or resolved with the approval and consent of a majority of the members present, and the standard for passing a bill in the bylaws is that a majority of the members must receive the approval of more than 2/3 of the members.

  8. The plenary general meeting or extraordinary general meeting is held twice a year (face-to-face and/or non-face-to-face).

  9. Steering committee members are elected at the regular general meeting.

  10. At the regular general meeting, all members are invited and the bylaws and member rights are followed.

Chapter 6 Steering Committee

Article 25 Duties and Authority

  1. The steering committee has the same functions as the board of directors.

  2. When approving the budget and settlement of business plans and execution, decisions are made with the approval of a majority of the steering committee members.

  3. Establishes membership fees for the Association of Current Korean American Presidents.

  4. After the amendment to the Bylaws is proposed, deliberated, and approved, it is submitted to the general meeting.

  5. The chairman is elected by recommendation of the steering committee members.

  6. If it is necessary to elect a chairperson in the absence of the chairperson, the steering committee may elect the chairperson. The term of office of the new chairman shall be the remaining term of office of the former chairman.

  7. For the purpose of this association, donations can be received, and through investment and business with these funds, it seeks to increase business income, real estate income, and interest income, and has the authority to manage property.

  8. Donations and donated property of the Association, excluding the Association's general operating funds, are managed by the Steering Committee, and these funds can only be used with the approval and approval of the Steering Committee.

  9. Promote fellowship and development of the association.

  10. Decide on other matters deemed necessary.

Article 26 Qualifications of Steering Committee Members

  1. A person who does not violate these regulations and has not been subject to criminal punishment under the laws of the Republic of Korea or the United States.

  2. Among members other than general members (Chapter 2, Article 6), those who have been legally active for more than one year are qualified as operating committee members.

  3. Even if an elected steering committee member violates these regulations, his or her qualifications will be disqualified according to the decision of the steering committee.

Article 27 Number of Steering Committee Members

The number of members of the steering committee shall be approximately 20, including the chairman.

Article 28 Term of Office of Steering Committee Members

The term of office of the steering committee members is two years, and they can be reappointed once through election.

Article 29 Vacancy of Steering Committee Member

If a vacancy occurs before the term of office for a member of the steering committee, the chairperson appoints the member upon recommendation of the steering committee member and a majority vote.

Article 30 Resignation and Dismissal of Steering Committee Members

  1. When voluntarily resigning due to personal reasons

  2. When there is defamation or immoral behavior by the Association

  3. If a steering committee member does not perform his/her duties as a member, his/her membership will be revoked with the approval of 2/3 of the steering committee members.

  4. If an elected steering committee member is removed from office, the chairperson must notify him/her of this.

  5. Failure to attend a steering committee meeting three or more times without notice is grounds for dismissal.

  6. In the event of a vacancy in the membership, the number of members may be increased through recommendation of the steering committee and majority approval.

Article 31 Temporary Steering Committee Meeting

Meetings of the temporary steering committee are convened at the request of the chairman or more than 2/3 of the members, and the extraordinary meeting must be held within 20 days from the date of receipt.

Article 32 Steering Committee Legal Limits

The steering committee members are not personally liable for any debts, liabilities or other obligations of the Association.

Article 33 Records

This American Association of Current Presidents keeps accurate and complete bank ledgers and accounting books, and maintains secret records of all meetings and a list of names and addresses of members eligible to vote. Each year, a financial report covering the past 12 months must be prepared, due no later than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. All ledgers and reports must be kept in a location designated by the Association and disclosed at any time to members or persons designated by members who wish to view them for legitimate purposes.

Article 34 Finance and Fiscal year

The association's fiscal year runs from January 1st to December 31st of the same year. The expenses of the Association are covered by membership fees, donations, and other income. The Korean Association, which hosts meetings of the Association of Current Korean Presidents, provides support of more than $1,000 from the Association.

Article 35 Limitation of Legal Liability

The Association has no legal responsibility for the activities and projects of regular members and affiliated organizations. If legal issues are raised against current or past members and employees due to the activities of the Association, the operating committee will determine the burden of expenses, except in cases where it is due to intentional illegal acts or dereliction of duty.

  1. You cannot personally own anything related to our newspaper, public relations, internet, website, etc., and all of these are intellectual assets of the Association of Current Korean American Presidents.

  2. The above cannot be arbitrarily removed, and if it is necessary to cancel or abolish it due to unavoidable circumstances, it must be resolved by the Steering Committee with the approval of more than 2/3 of the vote. The person in charge related to Paragraph 1 above must be transferred to the next person nominated when his/her term ends.

Article 36 Amendment of Bylaws

Amendments to the bylaws are discussed after the attendance of more than 2/3 of the steering committee members, and then submitted to the general meeting for revision with the consent of more than 2/3 of the members.

Chapter 7 Elections

Article 37 Election Commission

The election management committee shall consist of not less than 5 but not more than 7 members, but candidates for the steering committee may not serve on the election management committee. The Election Commission is formed by discussion between the Chairman and the Steering Committee 75 days in advance.

Article 38 Methods

Elections are held directly and by secret ballot.

Article 39 Right to Vote

Only regular members who have paid dues have the right to vote and be elected.

Article 40 Right to be Elected

  1. Candidates for steering committee members are regular members who have not been subject to criminal punishment under the laws of the Republic of Korea or the United States. Here, a person who has not been subject to criminal punishment means a person who has not been sentenced to imprisonment for more than 5 days or sentenced to incompetence in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. However, for the development of the Association, members other than general members (Chapter 2, Article 6) may, if necessary, have the right to be elected upon recommendation of a regular member.

  2. A person who has paid membership fees based on the current year.

  3. Anyone who violates the purpose of establishment of the Korean American Presidents Association or has facts equivalent to disqualification as a steering committee member will be disqualified.

  4. The election of steering committee members is held in February when the general meeting is held, and election notices must be sent to each Korean Association at least three times by email or other means of communication at least 45 days prior to the election date.

Chapter 8 Finance

Article 41 Finance

The finances of this association are covered by membership fees, donations, donations, and donations.

Article 42 Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Association runs from January 1 to December 30 every year.

Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

Article 43
The division of the general meeting specified in Article 24 of Chapter 5 of the Bylaws cannot be changed for the sake of harmony and unity of the general meeting.

Article 44
Agenda that has been submitted in all meetings of the plenary session cannot be submitted again within the same session.

Article 45
Matters not stated in these bylaws shall follow normal practices, and other matters shall follow the decisions of the Steering Committee.

Article 46
Matters related to the finances of the Association of Current Korean Presidents of the Americas must be reported in writing to the Steering Committee each quarter and subject to an audit at the general meeting.

Article 47
The bylaws of this meeting will be implemented upon approval by the Steering Committee and will take effect immediately upon approval at the general meeting.

Article 48
The regular general meeting specified in Article 24, Paragraph 2 of these Bylaws may be postponed in the event of a coronavirus pandemic, natural disaster, or abnormal weather.

Article 49
The membership fee is $100 per fiscal year.

Article 50 The Basis of this Meeting
Based on the principle of being a non-profit, private autonomous organization, the Association classifies and reflects all construction work and operates the Association using the activities set forth in the Bylaws as the standard. The bylaws of the Association take effect immediately upon resolution at the general meeting.